3Ps power circles (pdf)
DownloadAccess and control matrix (pdf)
DownloadAction plan matrix (pdf)
DownloadActivity mapping (pdf)
DownloadAgricultural map (pdf)
DownloadBalloons and stones (pdf)
DownloadBody map (pdf)
DownloadBody map - power within and power to (pdf)
DownloadBridge (pdf)
DownloadCard sort - problem prioritisation (pdf)
DownloadCare sharing square (pdf)
DownloadChapatti diagram (pdf)
DownloadChapatti diagram - spaces of power (pdf)
DownloadCitizens Budget (pdf)
DownloadCitizens Voice (pdf)
DownloadCommunity power map (pdf)
DownloadCommunity meetings - monitoring (pdf)
DownloadCommunity scorecard (pdf)
DownloadCriteria ranking matrix (pdf)
DownloadDiamond ranking (pdf)
DownloadFlow chart (pdf)
DownloadFocus group discussion (pdf)
DownloadForcefield analysis (pdf)
DownloadForum theatre (pdf)
DownloadGatekeeper tool (pdf)
DownloadHelping relationship spiderweb (pdf)
DownloadHousehold expenditure wallet (pdf)
DownloadIdeal future map (pdf)
DownloadIncome and expenditure calendar (pdf)
DownloadIncome and expenditure pie chart (pdf)
DownloadIncome and expenditure tree (pdf)
DownloadKite - grounding international work (pdf)
DownloadLeaky pot (pdf)
DownloadLocal tax indicators - what have we achieved (pdf)
DownloadMaps (pdf)
DownloadMaster suppression techniques and counter strategies (pdf)
DownloadMobility map (pdf)
DownloadMonitoring Matrix of Information Access (pdf)
DownloadMonitoring Matrix of Local Fees and Taxes (pdf)
DownloadNatural resources map (pdf)
DownloadPairwise ranking matrix (pdf)
DownloadParticipatory expenditure tracking (pdf)
DownloadPeeling the onion (pdf)
DownloadPeoples Caravan (pdf)
DownloadPillars of power (pdf)
DownloadPower flower (pdf)
DownloadPower line (pdf)
DownloadProblem tree (pdf)
DownloadProcess diagram (pdf)
DownloadPublic service trust diagram (pdf)
DownloadPublic services map (pdf)
DownloadReport card (for documenting issues) (pdf)
DownloadRipples of change (pdf)
DownloadRiver (pdf)
DownloadRole play - understanding tax (pdf)
DownloadSafety map (pdf)
DownloadSafety walk (pdf)
DownloadSeasonal calendar (pdf)
DownloadSimple ranking matrix (pdf)
DownloadSocial audit (pdf)
DownloadSocial map (pdf)
DownloadSolutions matrix (pdf)
DownloadSpectrum of allies (pdf)
DownloadSuggestion box (pdf)
DownloadSystems diagram (pdf)
DownloadTax Biscuit (pdf)
DownloadTax body map (pdf)
DownloadThe ‘tax-pays-for’ photo (pdf)
DownloadThe ideal school – paying twice for education (pdf)
DownloadThe market mountain - multiple taxation (pdf)
DownloadThe tax cow (pdf)
DownloadThe tax scale – tax holidays for locals or for big companies (pdf)
DownloadThe tax stones (pdf)
DownloadTimeline - action planning (pdf)
DownloadTimelines (pdf)
DownloadReflection Action