To identify safe and unsafe areas in a city or community.
To identify areas in the community that are safe and unsafe for women.
To help participants to analyse the distribution of agricultural work / crops / illnesses / etc. over the year.
To help participants to analyse the distribution of agricultural work / crops / illnesses / etc. over the year.
To rank issues according to their importance to the group.
To collect and present evidence about a programme or service.
This is a bird’s eye view of a village that shows the demographic details and the social infrastructure
To explore possible solutions to a particular issue or set of issues.
Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue.
To enable citizens to submit anonymous complaints, suggestions or questions.
To help make sense of a system, exploring the interdependence of different elements within it.
To help participants to analyse the distribution of agricultural work / crops / illnesses / etc. over the year.
This is a bird’s eye view of a village that shows the demographic details and the social infrastructure available for the people including houses, roads, schools, drinking water sources, etc and their relation to the people.
Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.
To enable citizens to submit anonymous complaints, suggestions or questions.
To help make sense of a system, exploring the interdependence of different elements within it.
The fact that big foreign companies are taking more from poor countries than they are giving is explored through the image of a biscuit.
A body map is used to look at the effects of not having public services on local people’s rights, especially women (and youth).
The relation between tax and public services is explored through a photo action.
The idea that tax-pays-for-education is explored through a school mapping activity.
Reflection Action