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To show the different crops grown and / or livestock kept in a community.
The group may wish to begin the exercise by taking a walk around the area to note key features they wish to represent and analyse.
Initially, a map should be created on a large scale on the floor or any large surface, so that all participants can actively contribute and clearly see what is going on.
Start the map by adding major points of reference, such as main roads or important buildings, to help people to orient themselves and therefore participate more actively.
Many different materials can be used to represent the different crops grown and / or animals kept. These could be anything that is easily available and easy to move, such as sticks, stones, etc. The meanings of the symbols should be selected and agreed upon by the whole group. Movable objects are crucial, as everyone needs to be able to go back, change and add elements as the map develops. Less assertive participants find this particularly helpful.
Once complete, the group can reflect on the map as a whole, drawing out insights or conclusions to stimulate discussion. The completed map often enables people to see issues or phenomena in a new light - as they are removed from daily reality whilst simultaneously gaining new perspectives of it.
In some cases the "real" map may then be used as a starting point for developing an "ideal" or "visioning" map, showing future changes, whether practical and achievable, or idealistic and visionary. In some cases such maps can become practical planning tools.
For the map to be recorded on paper or card, participants need to identify pictures, symbols or words with which to label key elements on the map. Once down on paper, participants may wish to make their own, smaller copies.
Access & control matrix - to analyse who has the power to access and control different resources in a community and who is denied this.
Reflect Mother Manual, ActionAid International, 1996, p. 148-9.
Reflection Action
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