Currently Under Construction
Harmonising participatory processes to shift power
through Reflection Action
Harmonising participatory processes to shift power
through Reflection Action
Currently Under Construction
through Reflection Action
through Reflection Action
This Reflection-Action website is an effort to capture and harmonise the different approaches to transformative practice that use participatory tools and processes to challenge and shift power – whether in communities, organisations or countries.
On this website you will find a range of participatory tools and methods that can help create an open, democratic environment in which everyone is able to contribute. This includes guidance on how to use a range of matrices and maps, calendars, visualisations of power, chapatti diagrams, ranking tools, role plays, transect walks, flow charts, forum theatre, trees and rivers, kites and pots, people’s caravans, report cards, social audits, body maps and timelines.
You will also find examples of how these different tools and methods have been clustered into approaches for working in different contexts or on different issues, outlining everything from adopting participatory practice in a human rights based approach, humanitarian needs assessment and vulnerability analysis, in rooted campaigning, tax justice, inclusive democracy, promoting rights in schools, women’s unpaid care work and youth engagement work – and much more
We hope that these resources can help practitioners and activists support people to analyse their situation and position, identify rights violations, confront power and bring about transformative change.
If you have ideas or experiences that you wish to share and upload on this website, please send them to
Reflection Action